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The 5th House - Love, Life, Windfalls, & Fun! Part 1: Signs

The 5th House - Love, Life, Windfalls, & Fun! Part 1: Signs


The ancients saw the 5th house as one of leisure and chance, as well as representing our children. A more modern understanding of astrology also puts love here, which speaks to how we understand love. This is also the area of life that has to do with winning and windfalls. This class will explore some of the depth of symbolism s associated with this house. Where might your winnings be, what is fun for you, and what your children might be like are just some of the topics we will look at here. This first class will explore the sign on the cusp of the 5th house, and what that says about how you approach matters of happiness, fun, luck, and so much more.


Includes the following links
- mp4 with a 3:15:09 duration
- Presentation PDF file

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