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Tiffany Harelik4_Earth & Air

Tiffany Harelik4_Earth & Air


The Mystic Within: finding intuition styles, psychic abilities, and extra sensory intelligence in the natal chart


You were born with natural psychic abilities. In this class you'll discover where unique intuitive abilities are encoded in the natal chart, and how to develop them. This five-week journey of exploring intuition in the birth chart is designed for astrology enthusiasts of all levels. Come see what astrology can teach you about your inner mystic and find intuition in the birth chart of your clients.


4. Earth and Air: Intuitive Touch and Hearing
Class 4 on Dec 3rd, 6pm EDT

Earth: Intuitive Touch. Earth signs are deeply connected to the physical world and often experience psychic abilities through their bodies. They might feel the energy of a place or person, sensing vibrations or physical sensations that provide insight. Earth sign intuition is grounded, practical, and often relates to physical sensations or environmental clues. It is connected to the senses of taste, touch, smell, and memory. (20 min)

Air: Hearing. Air signs are attuned to the mental and communicative realms. Psychic messages are received through thoughts, sounds, or inner dialogue. Intuitive hits come through ideas, words, conversations, and subtle cues in communication. Learn the two main ways we receive psychic information through hearing. (20 min)

In this class, you will learn strategies and techniques to enhance intuition for earth and air placements, and how astrology impacts the auditory experiences, tactile experiences, and the intuitive messages we hear. (50 min - exercises in breakout rooms)

  • Psychic Feeling (touch) Exercises: Psychometry, Thrift stores, and a Deep Knowing of Energy
  • Psychic Hearing Exercise: Training the Psychic Ear through Music

Psychic Hearing Exercise: Voice Vibration

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